Common Injuries in a Car Accident
According to the Insurance Information Institute, it is estimated that 4.4 million people were injured in car accidents in 2015. Although car accidents are common in South Florida, they often result in severe injuries or even the loss of life. Car crashes cause all type of injuries with some more severe than others. The most common injuries due to auto accidents include:
- Whiplash and Neck injuries – Out of the more than 6 millions car accidents each year, 2.5 million are rear-end collisions. This type of collisions are the number 1 cause of whiplash and neck injuries. The most common symptoms of whiplash include neck stiffness, pain in the back of the neck and muscle spams.
- Back Injuries – Due to force involved in a car accident, it can cause long lasting back pain and injuries because of the damage to the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, ligaments and muscles. Sometimes the force of a collision causes the tissue between the vertebrae of the spine to rupture (herniated disc) resulting in severe pain, loss of feeling, weakness in muscles.
- Burn Injuries – Unfortunately, car accidents in Florida also tend to lead to burn injuries. According to The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 2014 report, there were 164,000 highway vehicle fires, resulting in 300 deaths and 925 injuries in 2013 alone.
- Fractures – The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) reports that auto accidents are the number one cause of femur fractures.
- Internal Injuries – Never underestimate the aftermath of a car crash. The force and impact of a car accident can cause severe injury to the kidneys, bowels, spleen, liver, heart, and lungs. Furthermore, fractured ribs can puncture lungs and other internal organs leading to internal bleeding.
- Spinal Cord Injuries – Unfortunately, an injury to the spinal cord can impair, interfere with or sever the nerves protected by the spinal column. A spinal cord injury can be one of the most serious and life-altering injuries that an auto accident victim can suffer. The most severe cases cause paraplegia or quadriplegia.
- Foot, Knee & Ankle Injuries – During a vehicle collision, a driver or passenger can be thrown forward and strike their knee on the dashboard. This can result in direct trauma to the knee which can result in many different types of injuries, such as a shattered patella. According to the National Highway Safety Administration, injuries to the lower extremities are the second most common injury from a car accident.
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